Hockey Slang Term Glossary

If you’re new to hockey and have trouble keeping up with a conversation because you’re confused by the slang, here’s a guide to help you.

Barn – Hockey Rink/Arena

Bender – A lousy player who always seems to have his ankles bent.

Between the Pipes – In the net.

Biscuit – A Puck.

Breezers – Hockey pants.

Brain Bucket (or just Bucket) – A helmet.

Celly – A celebration, usually done after scoring a goal

Coast to Coast – When a player carries the puck from his own net all the way to his opponent’s and scores.

Chippy – Getting irritated with one another, usually on the brink of fighting.

Chirp – To talk trash.

Cherry Picker – Player who hangs out in his opponents zone awaiting a long pass.

Dangle – Misdirecting an opponent while handling the puck. See deke.

Deke – A fake out, perhaps derived from the word “decoy”.

Drop – To leave the puck behind or pass it to a trailing teammate.

Gongshow – A rough, intense game.

Grinder – A player who digs deep, hustles to make plays.Usually better known for checking and disruption rather than scoring ability. Like a lineman in football, he works hard but rarely gets recognized for his hard work.

Enforcer – A player who takes on the role of discouraging the opposing team from harassing his goal scoring teammate by imposing the threat of physical harm.

Fisticuffs – A fight.

Five Hole – The area in between the goalie’s legs.Hash Marks – The lines coming out of the faceoff circles providing a guide to where players should be lined up.

Hat Trick – Scoring three goals in one game.

Hoser – A loser. Orginated from the pre-Zamboni days when the losing team had to hose off the ice.

Laser – A quick, well-placed shot.

Light the Lamp – Score a goal so the siren flashes.

Mucker – A physical player who lacks finesse but gets the job done by forechecking, working the boards, etc. He is not afraid to do the dirty work. Usually used interchangeably or in connection with grinder.

One-timer – Taking a hard shot right off the pass without pausing to receive it.

Pipe-fitter/PlumberSee mucker and grinder.

Playing the Point – When a defender positions himself in front of the blue line near the boards in order to keep the puck in his offensive zone.

Puck Bunny – A girl who is more interested in getting the player’s attention than watching the game.

Pylon – Skater who just stands still and is as easy to skate around as an orange cone.

Schoolyard Puck – Pick-up hockey often played in a schoolyard, usually on inline skates.

Shinny – Pick-up hockey usually played on a frozen pond.

Sieve – A goalie with a lot of “holes” meaning he allows a lot of goals.

Sin Bin – The penalty box.

Slapper – A slap shot.

Slot – The middle area in front of the net.

Sniper – Player with an accurate shot who often scores from a distance.

Top Shelf – To put a goal in the upper part of the net.

Tripod – A player who has to balance himself with his stick.

Woody – A wooden stick

Wrap around – To come from behind the net and squeeze it past the goalie.

Wrister – A wrist shot.

What do you think, did I miss anything? Is there a term that would benefit from further clarification? Let me know in the comments. Thumbnail image by jwyg


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  1. pistol said on April 29, 2015

    Don Cherry said a soft shot on a goalie is called something he couldn’t say on TV. What is it called?

  2. Johno said on July 15, 2015


    • could be a said on February 15, 2017


  3. T said on September 2, 2015

    Bar down
    For the boys
    Back door

  4. Fourthlineduster said on September 8, 2015


  5. butbruh said on September 29, 2015


  6. Reg said on October 3, 2015

    Grocery Sick

  7. DreamingHockey said on October 12, 2015

    May you please add the definition of a “Fanning on the Puck” to your list? 🙂 Is this similar to a “whiff” in other sports?

  8. Trevor said on October 14, 2015

    Plug, clapper, gino, apple, tender

  9. Lucy said on November 7, 2015

    Bruisem: It means your looking good today! Or u can use it saying hey you bruisem!

  10. thatislesfan said on November 7, 2015

    I’m a bender, uuugg! but I still love hockey!

  11. juanita said on November 23, 2015

    What does “Tape to Twine” mean?

    • Name said on December 22, 2015

      Tape to Twine Means — Stick to Net (The tape of your blade to the twine in the net)

  12. product developer said on December 15, 2015

    What other name,slang or not,can be used to describe a goalie stick.

    • Name said on December 22, 2015


  13. JME said on May 2, 2016

    Crease, Timothy Peel, Goon, cage, Gordon Howie, mitts, sauce, flow….
    I understand some of these are just other names for a few already listed, but people should still know. ?

  14. Curious said on May 23, 2016

    I saw on Wiki that the term Big Skate meant a long or wide turn. Is this accurate? I don’t see it here on your listing. Thanks.

  15. Art said on June 12, 2016

    In Gretzky’s autobiography, he quotes a typical drill that his dad would go over with him:

    Walter Gretzky: “If you get cut off, what are you gonna do?”
    Wayne Gretzky: “Peel.”
    Walter Gretzky: “Which way?”
    Wayne Gretzky: “Away from the guy, not towards him.”

    I’m just wondering if “peel” means anything in particular, or does it just mean “get out of there” or “take off”?

    • tj said on February 15, 2017

      peel = turn

      “peel off” is where that comes from

  16. Name said on October 21, 2016

    clapper instead or slapshot

  17. Maroons said on March 7, 2017

    Half clapper
    Top Cheddar

  18. Doogs said on March 7, 2017

    Howitzer canon

  19. Paul said on August 31, 2018

    Laying the lumber – slashing a player
    Bar Down – Crossbar, down, goal
    Spitting Chicklets – knocked out teeth

  20. MO said on September 20, 2018

    Getting Sunburned – A goalie who often has the red light going on behind him.

  21. Bruinette said on December 12, 2019

    How about “Gretzky’s Office” = Behind the net/goal; being in or coming from behind the net/goal.

  22. Fred Merchant said on May 19, 2021

    Hi Guys , Would like to use your Hockey slang Terms in a hockey survey we are doing. Fred Merchant Boulder Co. fsmerch [at] hotmail [dot] com

  23. Blueliner24 said on May 23, 2024

    \”Bambi.\” Someone that looks like BAMBI, on the ice….😂

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