A Tribute to Hockey Moms Everywhere

In honor of Mother’s Day, it is appropriate to recognize the sacrifices our mothers have made in our behalf. They’ve bought our expensive equipment, driven us to practice, done our laundry, and cheered us on (sometimes louder than we’d have liked but that’s OK). Today be sure to thank your mom for all she’s done.

Here are a few ways to identify the mom of a hockey player:

Top 10 Ways to Spot a Hockey Mom
10. She thinks anything televised would be a lot more interesting if checking were allowed.
9. She owns a cat named Zamboni or Gretzky.
8. She’s trying to figure out how to introduce her daughter to Sidney Crosby.
7. She’s found a way to work broken $200 hockey sticks into her home décor and/or sellable art.
6., She says she’s sending her kids to the penalty box instead of putting them in time-outs.
5. She buys Car Jar air fresheners by the case and knows every way possible of getting bloodstains out.
4. In the back of her van, she carries a fleece blanket and a winter coat — in August.
3. She has the numbers of the dentist and orthodontist on speed dial, and the emergency room nurses know her on a first-name basis.
2. She knows where you can buy the best coffee and rolls at 4:30 AM. She also knows where to get skates sharpened at that hour.
1. The bruise on her hand comes from banging on the glass along the boards.

Source: Bleacher Report

A Hockey Mom Bedtime Story

Inside the Head of a Hockey Mom

hockey mom
Source: A Comical Look at the True Hockey Mom


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